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Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying (HIB)

Mr. Melendez

Learning Community Charter School,

Anti-Bullying Coordinator

201-332-0900 Ext. 250

Ms. Anderson

Learning Community Charter School,

Anti-Bullying Specialist

HIB Roles and responsibilities

HIB Reporting Form

School District Anti-bullying Coordinator responsibilities:

  • Coordinate and strengthen the school district’s policies to prevent, identify, and address HIB of students.

  • Collaborate with school anti-bullying specialists in the district, the Board of Education, and the Head of School to prevent, identify and respond to HIB of students in the district.
  • Provide data to the NJDOE regarding HIB of students.
  • Such other duties related to school HIB as requested by the CSA.
  • Meet at least twice a school year with the school anti-bullying specialists in the district to discuss and strengthen procedures and policies to prevent, identify, and address HIB in the district.
  • Chair the school safety team as provided in N.J.S.A.

School Anti-bullying Specialist responsibilities:

  • Lead the investigation of incidents of HIB in the school.
  • Act as the primary school official responsible for preventing, identifying, and addressing incidents of HIB in the school.

Learning Community Charter School, School Safety Team / Student Life Committee

Mission to develop, foster, and maintain a positive school climate by focusing on
the ongoing, systemic process and practices in the school and to address school
climate issues such as HIB. N.J.S.A. 18A:37-21

School Safety Team / Student Life Committee responsibilities

  • Receive any complaints of HIB of students that have been reported to the principal.
  • Receive copies of any report prepared after an investigation of an incident of HIB.
  • Identify and intervene with pattern of HIB of students in the school,
  • Review and strengthen school climate and the policies of the school in order to prevent and intervene with HIB of students.
  • Educate the community, including students, teachers, administrative staff, and parents, to prevent and intervene with HIB of students.
  • Participate in the required HIB training required and other training which the principal or the district anti-bullying coordinator may request.
  • Collaborate with the district anti-bullying coordinator in the collection of districtwide data and in the development of district policies to prevent and address HIB of students.
  • Execute such other duties related to HIB as requested by the principal or district anti-bullying coordinator.

HIB Grade

In compliance with the state HIB law, public schools are required to complete a self-evaluation, rating the performance in implementing all aspects of the HIB regulation.  Princeton Charter School conducted this self-assessment  for the 2021-2022 school year which was then reported to the state.   In addition, the state requires all schools to post the “HIB grade,” our self-assessment score, on the school website.

Our self-assessment  resulted  in an overall score of 71 out of a possible 78.  Our self-assessment reflects a commitment on our part to consistently hold ourselves to high standards when it comes not only to the education of our students but also to their social and emotional well-being. We use this self-evaluation to guide our planning and to make changes each year to improve our students’ experiences in this important area.

2022-2023 HIB Self-Evaluation School Report

School Climate State Coordinator: